World Children Day- Campaign event with Familien Partei Deutschland

Saturday, June 1, 2024

World Children Day- Campaign event with Familien Partei Deutschland

Together with member party Familien Partei Germany and their main candidates- Helmut Geuking and Sarah Drewes- we organized a special event aimed at families and children, on the World Children Day. It was held on the banks of the river Spree, on a ship converted into a restaurant and event venue.

Hundreds of families with children and people of all ages passed by the path alongside the river and stopped to speak to us, play a game, and learn about the work ECPM and MEP Geuking are doing in the European Parliament for children in particular.

The special guest was ECPM President Valeriu Ghilețchi who greeted the Familien Partei volunteers as well as guest families on the ship on behalf of ECPM and then spoke about the importance of children-centred policies at national and international level. His presentation focused on the rights of the children established in several international or European charters: the right to survival, to protection, the right to development and the right to participation.

The right to survival includes the right to be born, and Mr. Ghilețchi emphasized that ECPM is a strong and vocal advocate for children's right to life, from the moment of conception.

The right to protection, development and participation are very important aspects and where a balance must be struck between the best interests of the child and the rights of parents. Mr. Ghilețchi had worked on a PACE report affirming precisely this balance which must be kept. Children have the right to a safe environment, where they can develop in a healthy way and flourish; ECPM believes the best environment for that is within the family. Food, health and education are basic needs to which a child is entitled, which is why at this point Mr. Ghilețchi commended the work of MEP Geuking in the European Parliament fighting child poverty and arguing for universal child allowance.

When it comes to the protection of children, we are adamant that as much as they need to be protected in real life, they also must be protected online. Cyber bullying is a horrible phenomena taking place everywhere, every day, and many times it ends tragically with the bullied child losing their life. Similarly, children are being exposed to graphic content and predators online, which is why we advocate for parental control software, for teaching children how to protect themselves and we support the Better Internet for Kids at European level.

The President ended by reiterating that as a Christian political party, we believe children are a blessing from God. He gives life and he is creating us in our mother's womb, to His likeness. And no matter what that looks like in the end: tall, short, brown, white, with one chromosome more or less, we carry God's image and spirit in us. Because of that, every life is precious, every child brings joy and has a purpose in this world.

MEP Geuking thanked Mr. Ghilețchi for his words of encouragement and briefly spoke about the initiatives he began in the European Parliament and which he and the party would like to complete in case of a new mandate.

Sarah Drewes concluded the moment with sharing her testimony as a mother and underlining the importance of proper support and resources for parents and children, especially for those struggling financially.

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