Our History

The European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) started with a dream- a vision of a few faithful Christians who wanted to keep alive the values that Europe is founded on. What started as a modest movement is now a fully-fledged, officially recognized European political party which gathers almost 100 individuals, parties and organizations from more than 20 countries.

2002 - Lakitelek, Hungary

Representatives of political parties from more than 15 countries decided to examine new opportunities for Christian politics in Europe, at the conference "For a Christian Europe" in Lakitelek, Hungary. The result was a platform of Christian parties and organizations, from various denominations, across Europe and beyond, which represents the core of the movement we have today.


The parties adopted a basic political vision as part of the Lakitelek Declaration, called “Values for Europe”.


The youth branch of ECPM (formerly ECPYNetwork) was formed and elected its first board in 2005. It comprises of Christian youth parties and organizations from all over Europe.

2005 - Tallinn, Estonia

"The European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) elected its first board. Peeter Võsu (Estonia) was elected President of ECPM. On September 15, 2005 ECPM was officially registered with the Dutch authorities."


ECPM adopted a new basic program “A Christian- Social Contribution to Europe”, which expanded the basic principles adopted previously.


An official European Political Program, based on the vision document, was accepted by the ECPM General Assembly.


The ECPM was granted official status at the European level by the European Parliament. The recognition meant that ECPM could receive funding from the European Parliament and that two of our members (ChristenUnie and SGP) who were represented in the EP also became ECPM Members of European Parliament (MEPs).

2010 - 2011

An independent research institute connected to ECPM- Sallux (formerly European Christian Political Foundation, ECPF)- was founded in 2010 and was recognized by the European Parliament in 2011. Sallux consists of European think-tanks and NGOs working at the crossroads of Christian faith, society and politics.


ECPM elected a new President: Peter Östman from Finland. The same year, the Advisory Council was created, with Heiner Studer as its president. At the end of 2013, ECPM opens the Brussels office and holds its first major event in the European Parliament, focused on the EU founding fathers.


Following the European elections, ECPM got three seats in the European Parliament. They sat with the ECR group. In the years that followed, the number of MEPs grew to six.


Member of European Parliament from Slovakia- Branislav Škripek- became ECPM's third President in 2017.


ECPM adopted a new election manifesto and seven spearheads which constitute its current ideological framework. Following the European elections, ECPM got two seats in the European Parliament, which later grew to four. Two MEPs sit with the ECR group and two with the EPP group.


Florica Cherecheș, former Romanian MP, became President of the Advisory Council.


Valeriu Ghileţchi, former member of Parliament from Moldova, became ECPM President.

ECPM Presidents

Valeriu Ghileţchi

2021 - present

Mr. Ghilețchi has been formally trained and worked as a telecommunications engineer at the beginning of his career. When his country- Moldova- gained its independence, he went on to study Theology, graduate and start his academic career at the Theology College in Chişinău. He was elected to the Moldovan Parliament twice, and also served as member of the Moldovan delegation to PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe).

Branislav Škripek

2016 - 2020

Branislav Škripek is a former member of the European Parliament (2015-2019) and a member of the Slovak Parliament. Mr. Škripek also features as main speaker at various Christian political and social events in Slovakia and beyond, drawing on his previous experience as itinerant preacher and evangelist.

Peter Östman

2013 - 2016

Peter Östman is a Member of Parliament and the chairman of the Christian Democratic Parliamentary Group in the Parliament of Finland. Before his election to Parliament in 2011, Mr. Östman was the Secretary General of the Christian Democratic Party in Finland. In his private life, he started, led or managed various small and medium size enterprises in the security industry.

Peeter Võsu

2005 - 2013

Mr. Võsu, an Estonian politician, served as ECPM’s first President in its formative years. He was also international secretary of the Estonian Christian Democratic Party and chairman of the Estonian Christian Television. A devoted Christian and a friend of Israel, his functions also included leading the Estonian branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and sitting on the board of the Evangelical Alliance of Estonia and YWAM Estonia.

Our MEPs

Cristian Terheș

Cristian Terheș

PNCR, Romania

Ondřej Dostál

Ondřej Dostál

independent, Czechia

Niels Geuking

Niels Geuking

Familien Partei, Germany

Bert-Jan Ruissen

Bert-Jan Ruissen

SGP, The Netherlands

Amersfoort Office

Kon. Wilhelminalaan 5
3818 HN Amersfoort
The Netherlands
+31 638 160 180

Brussels Office

Belliardstraat 205
1040 Brussels
+32 22 301 300

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From 2010 on, the activities of the ECPM are financially supported by the European Parliament. The liability for any communication or publication by the ECPM, in any form and any medium, rests with the ECPM. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.