Mr. Ghilețchi has been formally trained and worked as a telecommunications engineer at the beginning of his career. When his country- Moldova- gained its independence, he went on to study Theology, graduate and start his academic career at the Theology College in Chişinău. He was elected to the Moldovan Parliament twice, and also served as member of the Moldovan delegation to PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe).
Branislav Škripek is a former member of the European Parliament (2015-2019) and a member of the Slovak Parliament. Mr. Škripek also features as main speaker at various Christian political and social events in Slovakia and beyond, drawing on his previous experience as itinerant preacher and evangelist.
Peter Östman is a Member of Parliament and the chairman of the Christian Democratic Parliamentary Group in the Parliament of Finland. Before his election to Parliament in 2011, Mr. Östman was the Secretary General of the Christian Democratic Party in Finland. In his private life, he started, led or managed various small and medium size enterprises in the security industry.
Mr. Võsu, an Estonian politician, served as ECPM’s first President in its formative years. He was also international secretary of the Estonian Christian Democratic Party and chairman of the Estonian Christian Television. A devoted Christian and a friend of Israel, his functions also included leading the Estonian branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and sitting on the board of the Evangelical Alliance of Estonia and YWAM Estonia.