ECPM has members and associates from all over Europe. Members are registered political parties and members of national parliaments. Associates are organizations.
Below is an overview of the political parties in Europe that are our members as well as the organizations that are associated to us.
Members (EU)
France | La Voie du Peuple- VIA (The Way of the People), formerly Christian Democratic Party (PCD) |
Germany | Bündnis C (Alliance of Christians Germany) |
Hungary | |
Ireland | Human Dignity Alliance (Comhaontas Dhínit an Duine) |
Latvia | Suverena Vara (Sovereign Power) |
Lithuania | Lietuvos krikščioniškosios demokratijos partija -LKDP (Lithuanian Christian Democracy Party) |
Netherlands | Christen unie (Christian Union) Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij- SGP (Reformed Political Party) |
Poland | Prawica Rzeczypospolitej (Right Wing of the Republic) Unia Politiki Realnej (UPR) |
Portugal | Partido Popular Monarquico- PPM (People's Monarchist Party) |
Romania | Uniunea Democrată a Slovacilor & Cehilor din România- UDSCR (Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs of Romania) Partidul National Conservator Roman- PNCR (National Conservative Romanian Party) |
Slovakia | Kresťanská únia (Christian Union) |
Spain | Contigo Más (With You More) (website under construction) Valores (Values) |
Sweden | Kristna Vardepartiet (Christian Values Party Sweden) |
Members (non-EU)
Switzerland: Evangelische Volkspartei- Parti Evangelique (EVP-PEV)
European Christian Political Youth (ECPYouth)
Political Academy for Integrity in Leadership- AIC (Moldova)
C'axent (Belgium)
SGP-International (The Netherlands)
Foundation for International Christian Democratic Development (The Netherlands)