The VALUES party in Spain- a robust candidate to the EP elections

Friday, January 19, 2024

The VALUES party in Spain- a robust candidate to the EP elections

Pedro Caballero will head the list of Valores party for the European Parliament elections

On January 12, 2024, the board of Valores, at the proposal of the national president Alfonso Galdón, approved the election of Pedro José Caballero García, Valores leader in Castilla la Mancha and a native of Toledo, as head of the list for the elections to the European Parliament in June.

Caballero, husband and father to two children, is an IT and computer professional and has been leading the CONCAPA (largest Confederation of Parents and Parents of Students) for eight years. In this capacity, he has represented and defended parents' freedom to choose the type of education they want for their children. In the coming months, he will step down from this role, in line with the statutes of the organization, in order to dedicate himself to promoting the Valores project in Spain and in the European Parliament.

His career in volunteering, advocating for families, spokesperson on behalf of the platform "We Will Always Be Family", as well as advisor on the permanent board of the State School Council, State Coexistence Observatory, and his participation in countless committees at local, provincial, and even state level, have made his appointment a natural and inevitable choice.

For president Galdón, "Caballero's courage in asking the European institutions for protection against the violation of the fundamental rights of families regarding the education of their children with the LOMLOE- education law passed during the pandemic, when the rights of the society in general had been curbed- causing the great orange tide in defense of freedom of education, have weighed heavily for his election. Additionally, I believe Pedro embodies well the profile that Valores wants to convey to the Spanish society".

In his first statement, the leader of Valores in Castilla la Mancha and now top candidate for European elections, Pedro Caballero points to the responsibility he takes on at this time, in such a divided and tense society, where our principles and values are constantly being attacked and undermined: "I am grateful to president Alfonso Galdón, for the trust placed in me to bring this new project to fruition and I will make it my mission to build bridges and alliances in defense of families, life, and freedom of education. It is time to act, to mobilize the society to return to sanity and common sense. To recover those VALUES which our elders -grandparents and parents- have defended with so much determination, and which have underpinned forty years of true coexistence and progress of the whole Spanish society."

ECPM salutes this appointment and we are greatly inspired by Mr. Caballero's character and experience. The Christians in Spain finally have a worthwhile and real alternative when they enter the voting booth on June 9, 2024; they can confidently vote for a party and people with vision, uncorrupted and focused on what truly matters for the Spanish people.


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