New religious bill can have serious impact on Christian communities in Bulgaria

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

New religious bill can have serious impact on Christian communities in Bulgaria

MEP's of the European Christian Political Movement have expressed their concern towards the proposed legislation titled “Bill for the Amendment and Supplement of the Law on Religions” currently progressing through the National Assembly of Bulgaria.

The MEP's said they were uncertain about the proposed law that has the potential to significantly interfere with religious freedom in Bulgaria. In recent weeks, they have been made aware of a growing disquiet from a broad range of Christian communities in Bulgaria regarding the possible negative impact of this proposed law on Christian life.

Among the various aspects of the new proposed law are provisions that significantly raises the registration criteria for the number of members; allows governmental body to insensitively interfere by checking the church doctrines and rituals; and gives right to the governmental body to make a claim if registered religious communities don`t fulfil  new requirements of the bill. 
In their letter to Bulgarian Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, they wrote:  “Freedom of religion and belief is considered a fundamental right of all EU citizens and a pillar of European democracy. We thoroughly believe that the wellbeing of Bulgarian people and development of Bulgarian society is your uttermost priority. Our experience from the nations we represent shows that respect for the principle of non-discrimination of Christians of every denomination always results in a harmonious and prosperous society.”

In the end ECPM MEP's are encouraging Bulgarian legislators to take these arguments into account and consider necessary steps that will safeguard the rights of religious minorities living in Bulgaria.

The letter was sent to the President of the European Parliament, Mr Antonio Tajani, with a plea for intervention in this matter too.

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