MEP´s plea for freedom of expression in France

Saturday, January 28, 2017

MEP´s plea for freedom of expression in France

Freedom of expression is vital for free societies. The French Senate approved a bill last December that seriously harms freedom of expression when it approved legislation that criminalizes pro-life organizations that offer alternatives for abortion or communicate a pro-life viewpoint regarding abortion in other ways.

ECPM acknowlegdes that abortion is a competenence of the Member State and not of the EU. However, we believe that we need to speak up when freedom of expression is under attack, especially within EU borders.

Therefore ECPM Members of the European Parliament strongly disapprove the attempts by French Authorities to drastically censor publication of information concerning the negative consequences of abortion. With this decision, the Socialist French Government will deprive women of valuable information and will sentence more unborn children to certain death. Firmly confirming the primacy of the right to life, we feel obliged to express our deep concern that these actions pave the way for more infringements of personal and political freedoms in many other areas.

We ask the French government to revoke this legislation and take affirmative action to promote democracy and freedom of expression instead of limiting it.

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