Join us in Warsaw on May 23 & 24!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Join us in Warsaw on May 23 & 24!

All members of ECPM are warmly invited to join us for our 14th General Assembly in Poland this month, followed by a conference on "Christendom mainstreaming" the day after. This conference will be organised by our foundation Sallux and our Polish member party PR (Prawica Rzeczypospolitey) and will take place in the Polish Parliament.

During this GA, a new president will be chosen as well as several new board members. For our General Assembly, registration is mandatory. To register for this event, please click here. The conference on the next day is not organised by ECPM but by our foundation Sallux (formerly known as the Christian Political Foundation of Europe). The full theme of the conference is "Christendom mainstreaming - reevaluating and reconfirming the role of Christianity in European policy. Co-organiser of this conference is ECPM member party Prawica Rzeczypospolitey, of which our MEP Marek Jurek is a member. The conference will take place in the Polish Parliament. 

During this conference, several speakers will explore the need and the ways to put Christian thinking back at the basis of European policy. Christian thinking has been set a side by a large part of the European Institutions in the last decades. More and more they push Christian democracy to the sidelines of the EU. At the same time, we witness a decrease of solidarity and cohesion in the societies of Europe. Christian relational thinking is a guarantee for a better future for the people of Europe. If we want to work towards a better EU we need to reconfirm the role of Christian values and virtues for our continent. Recently, Sallux has launched a new publication, titled 'Confederal Europe: Strong Nations, Strong Union' which is a concept for a new and better Europe. "Relationships should be at the centre of our economic system", says economist Michael Schluter, co-author of the publication. He will be one of the speakers at the conference.

Please note that there are separate registration forms for the ECPM General Assembly and the Sallux conference. Registration for the latter is also necessary and possible via their website.

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