ECPM has a new General Director

Monday, May 30, 2022

ECPM has a new General Director


On behalf of the ECPM board, it is my pleasure to announce the selection of Maarten van de Fliert as the new General Director of the European Christian Political Movement. He will lead the staff and manage ECPM’s operations and will be reporting to the ECPM board. Maarten starts his new role on 1 September 2022.

Maarten joins ECPM after faithfully advising and assisting the ChristenUnie fraction, and in particular MEP Peter van Dalen, in the European Parliament, for almost ten years. Before that he served as Project & Communications Manager and Deputy Director of Open Doors Middle East for fourteen years. He comes from The Netherlands but has lived in Egypt and Jordan for almost ten years and travelled extensively to Iraq and Syria. Maarten graduated from Christelijke Hogeschool Ede (Christian University in Ede) with a degree in Journalism and Public Relations. He brings a rich experience in political and intercultural communication and public relations to the ECPM, while his time in leadership roles over the years has prepared him to be an effective administrator, to show integrity and perseverance and to inspire staff in fulfilling their tasks. We believe Maarten’s expertise in political communication and messaging will set up ECPM for a successful campaign in the upcoming European elections.

Maarten’s work will, undoubtedly, have its challenges so we humbly ask our members and supporters to continue praying for us and to keep lending your help and coordination as we carry out our work of promoting Christian values in politics at European and national level. This is also a new chapter, and new opportunities can arise, which fills us with excitement. We pray we all have an open heart and open mind to follow God as He may lead us.

ECPM members will be able to personally meet and talk to Maarten at our upcoming General Assembly in Madrid, on 17 June, and I hope you will take the opportunity to warmly welcome him to our party.

On behalf of the ECPM board,

Valeriu Ghilețchi, ECPM President

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The Netherlands
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