Board and Advisory Council get new members

Friday, September 25, 2020

Board and Advisory Council get new members

During the latest General Assembly (taking place remotely), ECPM members have voted for and confirmed a few changes on the ECPM board and the Advisory Council.

As such, Karin Heepen, Chairwoman of BündnisC Germany has joined the ECPM board, filling George Rukhadze’s seat who, in turn, will join the Advisory Council starting January 2021. Inga Bite, from the Party of Regions in Latvia, has also joined the Advisory Council. Florica Chereches, from Romania, was re-elected to the Advisory Council for another mandate.

Each candidate had the chance to address the Assembly and speak about their background and their current projects and challenges.

The ECPM President and the Assembly warmly welcomed each one of them in their new roles and prayed over them.

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