Migration and Europe:  What our politics can change

Thursday, May 16, 2024 19:00 - Thursday, May 16, 2024 21:00

Migration and Europe: What our politics can change

The European Christian Political Movement campaign is going to Dresden on May 16, 2024, where together with member party BundnisC- Christians for Germany we will discuss the migration and foreign policies of the European Union and member states and their influence in the larger geopolitical arena.


  • Johannes de Jong, Sallux Director and Middle East expert. He will touch upon the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum and advocate for sustainable, long-term partnerships between the EU and democratic governments around the world as a key factor in reducing the flow of migration.

  • Karin Heepen, chairwoman of BundnisC and vice-president of ECPM. She will address the cultural and religious aspects of the integration of migrants in Europe and propose better models for coexistence.

  • Michael Ragg, journalist and speaker. He will moderate the discussion and also speak about the Christian roots of Europe, the push for secularism and what Christians can do about it, starting at community level.

The meeting will end with a Q&A round and interaction with the audience.

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